Sunday, March 23, 2008

What, We Are Not Happy?

Palm Trees, Lovely Sky Scrapers, Ain't This Paradise?

For travellers in Singapore, getting around the island is so much easier as our official language is English, the lingua franca of the planet earth. Very often, tourists would tell me that Singaporeans are a friendly bunch of people. Asking for directions is a breeze and to top it off, Singaporeans will always help with no premeditated reasons, and often comes with a smile.

Are We Happy?

But in a recent
Happy Planet Index, Singapore was listed as a nation with very little to be happy about. We were ranked 131 out of 178 countries surveyed.1

Sadly, we are ranked lower than war-hardened Cambodia (92nd placing), natural calamity-hit Indonesia (23rd placing) and even in the police state of Myanmar (77th placing). In fact, we are the unhappiest of all the countries in South East Asia, even when we have about everything - cash, car, credit card, country club and condominium.

But thank God that discontentment in life does not translate to Singaporeans not being able to smile.

1. The Happy Planet Index. Date Visited: 23 Mar 2008.

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